Make a feature with light

Making a room feature the easy way

“It’s easy to go through the motions when you’re decorating; choosing neutral shades and decor has become the name of the game in order to create a pleasant living space for family, guests and not offend any potential future purchasers”Good Homes blog, Interior Commotions (

In the current climate many people aren’t moving and are instead turning to redecorating and renovating their current homestead.

But at the back of your mind (or sometimes right at the front) is the thought that if you decorate how you really want it to be that it will put off a potential buyer for your house in the future.  Can you have both what you want and protect against the future?

We think you can.

Instead of making a ‘feature wall’ as lots of home DIY tv programs do, think of the walls as a backdrop for the main feature.  This way they won’t need re-painting should you decide a move is on the cards.  The main feature can then be statement furniture, or more easily, lighting!

Changing the lighting, either the type or style of the fittings, or sometimes even just the type of bulbs you use can make a big difference – and they are much easier to change in future than re-painting a wall!

Make a feature with light

Take a browse through our pendant light fittings for example and see the difference that a new light can make to your room; make a statement with a new floor lamp such as the Studio Tripod, white; or add some colour with a table lamp such as the Cyclone Table, purple.

And don’t forget that with any choice you make we have added low energy bulb options to the Spares and Accessories section of every product to guarantee the new you is saving money and energy.

1 thought on “Making a room feature the easy way”

  1. Hi. Like your article very much, you dont’t have to make a whole wall a feature in a room there are many more options. We hand craft display plinths and pedestals which are another way of creating a unique statement in your home by displaying what’s important to you. They are great as well because they don’t have to take up too much space. They work even better with special lighting!! You can see our Plinths/pedestals at
    If you are interested we would like to link with your site if you would like to link with us.

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