Replacement bulbs Pygmy and other small bulbs Ba9s / MBC 24v 15mA Pygmy Bulb (Ba9s, non dimmable, blue)

24v 15mA Pygmy Bulb (Ba9s, non dimmable, blue)

092736906: 24v 15mA Pygmy Bulb, Ba9s, non dimmable, blue : Schiefer - from £3.30


This is Schiefer part no. 092736906. If you need to contact us about this product, please quote our product reference of 31619.

Miniature Bayonet Cap (MBC) 15mA LED Pygmy Bulb Ba9s in diffused blue.

This is an incandescent tubular pygmy lamp used in pilot panel lamps, automotive applications - indicators, miniature gauge cluster instrument panels, speciality light fixtures, and other specialist lighting. Also known as BT93. Single connection point.


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Quantity pricing

Quantity Price each
1 £3.78
2-3 £3.65
4-9 £3.54
10-49 £3.39
50-99 £3.31
100+ £3.30
(all prices inc. VAT at 20%)

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Other variations of this product


Bulb type
Appliance bulbs
Lamp cap
Ba9s (Minature Bayonet)


24v blue LED Pygmy Bulb Ba9s used in automotive use and special applications